Go native or embrace hybrid?

Go native or embrace hybrid?

When developing a mobile or web app, one of the most important decisions is whether to create a native or hybrid solution. The choice you make will have an impact on the cost, development time, design, reach and functionality of your app.

At Koding Web, we develop both native and hybrid apps. So, what’s the difference?

Native apps are designed to run exclusively on a particular operating system (OS), such as Android or iOS.

Hybrid apps work across different platforms, so users can access hybrid mobile apps on both Android smartphones and Apple iPhones.

Xamarin is a tool for creating native output that can be used for cross-platform mobile app development. So, with Xamarin, you can develop an app that works on iOS, Android, Windows and more.

Other cross-platform development tools available for developing hybrid apps include Titanium and Adobe PhoneGap.

The advantages of developing a native app include the speed, strong design, great performance and good device integration that come with an app designed specifically for a user’s OS.

Apps that have been developed for one OS tend to be easier to launch in the App Store, because they already adhere to the OS’s guidelines. When you want to add more features to your app, it can be quicker and easier to upgrade a native app than a hybrid.

Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Maps are examples of companies that have chosen to take the native route with their apps.

But there are downsides to native apps. Either you have to choose between the two most popular operating systems – Android and iOS – and potentially lose half your target market, or you’ll need to develop native apps for each separate platform, at a much higher cost.

You’ll need to constantly update your native app in order to keep in step with OS upgrades, while maintenance can be tricky if customers are using different versions of your app.

Hybrid apps tend to be more cost-effective because they run across multiple platforms. The development structure of hybrid apps also offers greater flexibility; maintenance and upgrades are simpler.

Facebook, Uber, Skype and Instagram use hybrid apps, but the risks can include performance and integration issues due to the app not being specifically designed for the user’s OS.

Our specialist mobile and web apps development team chooses Xamarin for developing hybrid apps, as it allows us to build flawless user experiences using native specific elements. As a Xamarin mobile app developer, Koding Web uses this relatively new technology to harness the best of both worlds for our clients.

Choosing between a native or hybrid app is a big decision. We take pride in cutting through the jargon to help you select the best app experience for your clients.


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