BigCommere Website Design & Development Services

Grow your online sales and bottom line with expert BigCommerce web design website development services.

  • Custom-designed BigCommerce stores and themes
  • Updates and improvements to your existing BigCommerce theme
  • SEO optimized layouts for top Google rankings
Talk to our BigCommerce web design experts
Company Stats:
eCommerce website launches
Custom features developed
Years an eCommerce agency

Let our team of BigCommerce web designers, programmers, and marketers build an online store that maximizes the platform's capabilities

BigCommerce is a robust, hosted platform that operates under a hosted SaaS pricing model. The BigCommerce store offers a number of advantages, including it’s ease of use and scalability. However, out-of-the-box with BigCommerce’s choice of store templates can make it difficult for your website to stick out. You need a store that is designed and created to match your companies branding and allows visitors to accomplish their goals while browsing your site.

Whether you need help updating or refreshing your existing BigComerce store, you need help with digital marketing strategies like SEO or PPC, or you’re ready to design a brand new BigCommerce store from scratch, KodingWeb is your ideal business partner. We offer a team of designers and developers with plenty of experience working with the BigCommerce platform. Sometimes some simple CRO changes or a design refresh can have a significant impact.

Our eCommerce experts will work with your team to offer our insights into your BigCommerce SEO and PPC campaigns. Even if you don’t hire KodingWeb directly for digital marketing services, you’ll benefit from our nearly two decades of experience developing and designing some of the most SEO-friendly eCommerce stores currently on the web.

If you’re ready to design a custom BigCommerce store from scratch, we are too. KodingWeb offers 18+ years as an award-winning eCommerce agency. We build eCommerce sites every day on a variety of platforms, and have extensive experience building on the BigCommerce platform as well.

Leading BigCommerce Custom Web Design Agency

The #1 BigCommerce Design Agency

We are one of the top BigCommerce web design agencies in the country, and we offer a full-service team of designers, developers, and marketers under one roof in the USA.
BigCommerce eCommerce  agency

BigCommerce & eCommerce Focused

With a focus on the eCommerce space since 2004, nobody knows eCommerce better than KodingWeb. Work with an industry-leading company that has been at the forefront of eCommerce for 17+ years

Is BigCommerce Right For Your Needs?

Since 2004, we've seen a lot of shopping cart platforms come and go. The BigCommerce platform is a great, scalable option for many eCommerce stores, but our website development consultants can offer a wealth of information on alternative platforms.

Get a Free BigCommerce Web Design Estimate

Our team will answer questions, give suggestions, and provide you with a detailed BigCommerce scope, pricing estimate and project timeline. We look forward to discussing your project.

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BigCommerce Website Design & Development Services Include:

  • Custom design, layouts and branding
  • SEO optimized code
  • Speed optimization
  • Custom developed features & functionality
  • Data imports
  • CRM & ERP integrations
  • Payment & shipping configuration
  • eCommerce CRO (conversion rate optimization)
  • Plug-in installation and configuration

The BigCommerce Website Design & Development Process

We develop eCommerce websites on a number of different platforms, including BigCommerce. However, for the most part, our design processes and timelines remain relatively unchanged with few exceptions.

If you decide to build an entirely new custom store on the BigCommerce platform, we will begin with a research and discovery phase which allows our team to “get to know” your business and team. You may even want to complete an SEO audit on your current website prior to beginning your redesign project. More importantly, we will gather an understanding of your brand, your business goals, website conversion points, and have enough information to get started on our initial wireframe design of your new BigCommerce store.

Once we have agreed on our wireframe design which will outline basic design elements and how those relate to the website’s planned functionality, we are ready to begin the actual graphical web design mockups. After a period of back and forth and revisions from your team, the design of the website will gradually come to life over the period of 4-6 weeks.

From start to finish, we typically see a 2-3 month completion time for new eCommerce sites on the BigCommerce platforms.

If you are simply in need of a site refresh for your BigCommerce store, or just need a BigCommerce designer or eCommerce website development services in an ala carte type of pricing method, please reach out to us today. No matter your BigCommerce needs — be they design, development, or marketing — we invite you to give us an opportunity to discuss your project in greater detail.