Case Study

Cart Abandonment Flow Addition

Unclaimed Baggage

Unclaimed Baggage buys domestic airline orphaned bags and gives them a second life by selling, donating, and recycling their contents.

Industry: Retail | Location: Scottsboro, Alabama

Abandon Cart Automation

1. Project

Email Automation Maturity

One of the most valuable email flows within any eCommerce automation is the cart abandonment flow. This automation can heavily influence revenue and ROI gains by reminding a potential customer of what they left in their cart without purchasing. KodingWeb recommended enhancing Unclaimed Baggage’s high engagement flow with an additional touchpoint through an abandoned cart flow.

Email flow created by KodingWeb in Klaviyo:

2. Approach

Cart Abandon Email Automation

KodingWeb created an abandoned cart flow to fit in between the browse abandonment and checkout abandonment flows to catch people who may have added items to their cart, but not proceeded to checkout.

KodingWeb added a new “Added to Cart” metric in Klaviyo that fires whenever someone adds a product to their cart. This new metric is used to trigger an Abandoned Cart automation that sends an email to users who added an item to their cart, but never started checkout or completed their purchase. This email reminds users of the items they left behind and creates an easy way for them to return to the site to purchase or continue shopping, as well as provides some helpful links in case they have run into any issues or barriers to purchase.

Cart abandonment email designed and implemented by KodingWeb:

Abandon Cart Automation

3. Results

Large gains in orders and revenue

This new flow deepened the maturity of Unclaimed Baggage’s email automation program and drove gains in revenue and ROI.

Unclaimed Baggage added an additional touchpoint to reach their users at a critical point in the purchase funnel. These customers are highly engaged with their brand and very likely to purchase. By reaching users in the critical stage between browsing and purchasing, Unclaimed Baggage is able to keep their products top of mind and their brand visible in the user’s inbox.


Additional orders in first 90 days


Additional revenue in first 90 days

4. Platform Support


Klaviyo is a cloud-based eCommerce marketing automation platform for personalized 1:1 email that drives results.

Klaviyo Automation

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