Case Study

Email Marketing Automation

Zerbee Business Products

With Five Star Ratings by eKomi, as well as being a Google Trusted Store, Zerbee is a customer-tested, trusted store that always does their best to help customers get what they want. Zerbee contains 150,000 products and climbing. From office products and office furniture to medical and restaurant supplies and more, they help outfit entire operations and do it economically.

Industry: Business Products | Location: Chicago, IL

Email Marketing Automation for Zerbee


Email Automation Maturity

Limited Email Automations

Zerbee had a very limited amount of email automations, but needed a more robust program to be able to drive more effective engagement through email.

Three New Automations; Enhanced Existing Automations

KodingWeb created and launched three high-priority automations: Welcome Series, Cart Abandon, & Browse Abandon. KodingWeb also enhanced other key email automations already running with flow adjustments and new email designs,  per our recommended roadmap.

Email flow created by KodingWeb:

Email Marketing Automation Flow Example


Repeatable Sales & Revenue

With building and launching these automations, not only did Zerbee increase their revenue as a number/value, but KodingWeb helped create repeatable sales and revenue through automations that don’t require daily maintenance or manual assistance.

flow revenue increase

133 %

Flow revenue increase
conversion rate increase


Conversion rate increase
click rate increase


Click rate increase
open rate increase


Open rate increase

4. Platform Support


Klaviyo is a cloud-based eCommerce marketing automation platform for personalized 1:1 email that drives results.

Klaviyo Automation


I’ve worked with some of the KodingWeb team members in a past life so it was an easy call to make when we needed help with our email strategy. They took the time to thoroughly understand our situation and came up with a comprehensive solution to not only address our immediate needs, but align them with our long-term goals. The work they’ve done is already paying off and I know we’ll exceed our expectations.

- Mark Melius - Zerbee Business Products
Email Marketing Automation for Zerbee

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