Category: How to Succeed Online

A Brief on the Growth-Driven Trends of Web Design Industry

September 7th, 2017

Every year, some technology trends are born in web design industry, some fade and some continue to prosper. It can be confusi..

4 Design Mistakes You Should Avoid For Better Conversions

January 16th, 2017

You might be having a great looking website and a design that looks really charming. No doubt that a charming website not onl..

Website Development- A Scientific Art

November 10th, 2016

In 2016, websites are an indispensable component of every business. Every person today is somehow connected to the internet a..

Website Design – A Never Ending Process

November 2nd, 2016

A completed, stunning website design and a happy client really lifts our spirits here at Koding Web. However, this is just a..

Koding Web Successfully Launches Website for QS Support

September 15th, 2016

ChilliApple, a popular name in the web development industry has added another name to their long list of successful projects ..

4 Reasons why Content does not get publicized

December 14th, 2015

Content plays a vital role in marketing of a website, and the social media lend you a helping hand to make your content reach..

How to avoid these basic 3 Social media mistakes?

November 20th, 2015

Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Thus, Social Me..

3 master steps to reduce the bounce rate of your online store

November 5th, 2015

Ecommerce business is a perfect gateway to sell your products and services without setting up a brick and mortar store or run..

How to write a killer blog post?

August 6th, 2015

Today blogs have become an indispensable part of the marketing strategy of businesses. It helps to develop a connection with ..

The 5 Web Designs Trends you Should Follow This Year

July 2nd, 2015

In carrying out web design, there are no clear-cut rules, but just certain patterns and trends that become popular from time ..