nopCommerce Website Design & Web Development Services

Update your custom nopCommerce theme or design a new website from scratch with our full service digital team, which includes expert nopCommerce designers, developers, and marketers.

  • Custom design nopCommerce websites and themes
  • CRO and AB testing capabilities
  • Open-source platform
Talk to our nopCommerce web design experts
Company Stats:
Successful client relationships
Custom features developed
Years a web design agency

Let our nopCommerce professionals build a website that helps your business thrive

nopCommerce is a powerful open-source eCommmerce platform offering many great features for your eCommerce website. Working with a web agency fluent with nopCommerce that understands the nuances of the platform will help you maximize your results.

When you work with KodingWeb, you work with a company that has been at the forefront of eCommerce for nearly two decades. We have developed dozens of nopCommerce websites over the years, and we know what it takes to develop a cost-effective, visually-stunning nopCommerce website that features all of the latest eCommerce and CRO functionality your eCommerce store deserves and needs to thrive. This includes thoughtful and strategic integration with all ancillary business software, databases, ERPs,CRMs, etc.

Leading nopCommerce Design Firm

The #1 nopCommerce Design Agency

We are one of the leading nopCommerce design agencies in the country, with talented nopCommerce designers, programmers and digital marketers working under one roof on your project.
nopCommerce eCommerce focused agency

eCommerce focused

We are an award-winning eCommerce design, development, and digital marketing services provider. Our eCommerce focus makes us the perfect partner for your nopCommerce project.

Is nopCommerce right for your needs?

We've worked all of the popular CMS and shopping cart platforms out there. They all have strengths and weaknesses. Our website development consultants can guide you to the most approrpriate platform for your business goals and objectives.

Get a Free nopCommerce Web Design Estimate

Our team will answer questions, give suggestions, and provide you with a detailed nopCommerce scope, pricing estimate and project timeline. We look forward to discussing your project.

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Offices open 9-5 EST.

About The nopCommerce Platform

nopCommerce is a robust eCommerce platform with many benefits:

  • Powerful standard features
  • Cost-effective
  • Open-source
  • Customizable design and functionality
  • Large community of active nopCommerce developers on the platform

The nopCommerce Website Design & Development Process

We work with many platforms in addition to nopCommerce, but for the most part our design and development processes remain the same. During our research and discovery phase, we will work with your team to develop our initial wireframe design, which will show the basic design elements of the site and how they interact with the planned functionality of the backend.

Once we have agreed on a high-level wireframe design, we get to work on our initial design mock-ups. Once we have been through enough revisions to get the design to a place that both companies are satisified, we move on to the front-end and back-end programming. From start-to-finish, we typically see a 2 – 3 month completion time for new nopCommerce design projects. Cleaning up existing nopCommerce design templates or designing new pages ala carte for nopCommerce websites can typically be done in significantly less time.