Volusion Migration Services

Stuck on a Volusion website platform? We’ll help you migrate to modern eCommerce software.

  • Migrate all Volusion data
  • Full in-house support & maintenance
  • eCommerce experts for 16+ years
Talk with us about your Volusion website migration
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Migrate Your Volusion Store Into a New eCommerce Platform

Volusion recently filled chapter 11 bankruptcy leaving customers wondering what may be happening to their online store. In time of uncertainty, NOW is the time to migrate your Volusion store to a streamlined, modern, scalable eCommerce platform. At KodingWeb we can help you migration from Volusion to Shopify, or to Magento or other platforms. The goal is to find the best eCommerce website platform for your needs and goals. Our Volusion migration experts will export and move all of your data, making sure nothing is lost in the website migration process.

Get a Free Volusion Migration Estimate

Our team will answer questions, give suggestions, and provide you with a detailed Shopify scope, pricing estimate and project timeline. We look forward to discussing your project.

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Benefits of Working with Volusion Pros

We’ve been in the eCommerce web design business since 2004, meaning we know Volusion inside and out and have done many migration projects over the years. Our developers will be able to move all of our customers, orders, products and other data to a new software platform and get your up and running stronger than ever. We also offer SEO services to be sure your migrated website ranks at the top of Google.