Google Core Web Vitals Optimization Services

Is your Google Core Web Vitals score affecting your user experience & SEO? We’ll help you land higher scores with speeds faster than your competitors.

  • Google Partner Agency with in-house SEO consultants and web developers
  • Core Web Vitals and User / Page Experience audits
  • 17+ years as a leading provider of integrated technical SEO & web development services.
  • Fluency in all major web languages, frameworks, and CMS, including WordPress, Shopify, Magento, etc.
Fix Your Google Core Web Vitals Score »

Experience with Google Core Web Vitals Optimization on All Major Website Platforms

  • Shopify Core Web Vitals Optimization Services
  • Magento Core Web Vitals Optimization Services
  • BigCommerce Core Web Vitals Optimization Services
  • WooCommerce Core Web Vitals Optimization Services
  • WordPress Core Web Vitals Optimization Services
  • NopCommerce Core Web Vitals Optimization Services

Raise Your Google Core Web Vitals Score While Improving User Experience and Organic Search Visibility

It’s no secret that Google prefers cleanly-coded, intuitive websites that are user-friendly and load quickly regardless of the device being used. How users interact with a website, referred to by Google as a website’s Page Experience, is algorithmically determined using a set of signals and metrics Google considers to evaluate the overall user experience of your website. Google uses several different performance metrics combined with artificial intelligence, as well as existing search algorithm signals like HTTPS and mobile-friendliness, to paint a complete picture. Page Experience is a more significant ranking factor than ever before, and rightfully so. If your website isn’t easy to use or takes forever to load, shouldn’t Google consider sending your traffic to a better competitor?

Page Experience includes Core Web Vitals, which are the specific performance metrics for loading, interactivity, and visual stability of the page. If you’ve noticed your website performs poorly in Core Web Vitals tools, GTmetrix tests, or you’ve gotten warnings or errors in your Google Search Console account, KodingWeb can help. Take your website’s performance to the next level and improve organic search engine visibility with Google Core Web Vitals optimization services from KodingWeb. Our SEO team is comprised of seasoned marketers AND web developers, arming us with all the necessary resources to make informed decisions on what work needs to be done to improve your score and website usability from Google’s perspective.

Page Experience in Google Search Console

Actual page experience optimization results – from 0% “good URLs” to over 90% in one month.

What’s Included in Core Web Vitals Optimization?

With nearly two decades of web development and SEO experience under our belt, KodingWeb has the knowledge, resources, and technical chops you need to improve your Google Core Web Vitals score and take your website’s performance to the next level.

  • Google Core Web Vitals Score Audits

    Our SEO team will perform a full audit of your Google Core Web Vitals score and other performance metrics. In 2021, Google implemented a major Google algorithm update known as the Core Web Vitals update, while providing webmasters and web developers with several related tools. These tools provide real-world performance metrics for your website along with an insight into the technical nuances of how Google evaluates user experience, which they call Page Experience. Page Experience, determined algorithmically by Google, is now a more significant ranking factor than ever. Our team will take an in-depth review of your Google Core Web Vitals score and other metrics, and develop a plan to address any issues identified. Execution of these strategies improves not just user experience, but your website’s ability to rank in search engines, especially when part of a larger SEO campaign.

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Analysis

    One of the three main aspects of Google’s Core Web Vitals score, we’ll analyze how long it takes the average user to load a page on your website. Google pays a lot of attention to this metric. So many variables can affect your website’s LCP score, including bulky code, web languages / CMS used, external resources called, server specifications, etc. We will identify if your LCP score needs to be improved and the most appropriate steps to take to do so.

  • First Input Delay (FID) Analysis

    First Input Delay (FID) score relates to the interactivity aspect of your website. This measures how long it takes before a user can actually begin interacting or engaging with your website. Whether that interaction is clicking a link or opening a menu, the less time it takes for users to interact with your website, the better! We’ll analyze the FID metrics of your Core Web Vitals score and determine the most appropriate plan for improvement.

  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Analysis

    Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) relates to the visual stability aspect of Google’s Core Web Vitals score. In other words, are visual elements moving all around the page while it’s loading? The total amount of “layout shift” is your CLS score. We all know how annoying this can be, which is why Google prioritizes websites that load without having elements moving all over the page during loading. Like all of our analyses, we use a variety of tools to analyze the CLS of your website and determine the best plan for improvement.

  • Developers and SEM Professionals Working Together To Fix Your Core Web Vitals Score

    With an in-house team of professional SEMs and Web Developers working in tandem, we have a unique ability to not just identify your website’s performance issues, but to roll up our sleeves and fix them! When it comes to web development, there are often many ways to solve a problem, but only one is the best option for your business. Our holistic understanding of what Google really wants helps us to implement cost-effective technical improvements that can have a significant impact on your website’s ability to rank in search engines.

  • Multiple Tools and Metrics Help Us Form a Clear Understanding of Your Website’s Technical Issues

    While the tools Google Core Web Vitals test provided by Google are a great place to start, to gain the best understanding of how users and search engines perceive your website, we leverage a variety of other tools.  Having multiple tools and data sets simply provides us with a more accurate understanding of the perceived technical weaknesses of your website and what can best be done to remedy them. We will take an in-depth review of your website, including Core Web Vital scores and metrics, Analytics data, Search Console data, GTmetrix tests, etc.

Get an Estimate for Google Core Web Vitals Optimization Services

Many factors affect the technical performance and user experience of your website.  We will audit your Google Core Web vitals score and review your website to develop a scope and strategy for your business. We can also discuss brand, website history, and learn more about your web development or marketing goals. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you in 24 hours. Or, if you’d like to discuss your project over the phone, call us at 92-324-2530-620. We’re open Monday through Friday, 9-5 EST.

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Google Core Web Vitals FAQS

What are core web vitals?

Core Web Vitals refers to a tool and reporting section available across many Google platforms, most notably Google Search Console. The term Core Web Vitals refers to the most important aspects of the “vital” web metrics Google uses to perceive the overall user experience of your website. The Core Web Vitals focus on three broad aspects: loading time, interactivity, and visual stability.

How do I improve my Core Web Vitals scores?

There is a virtually infinite amount of variables that can affect your Core Web Vitals score. Every website is different. Sometimes, something as simple as removing a clunky plugin can make a huge impact, other times the amount of work required can become so extensive that it makes more sense to build a new website. To maximize your efforts and get the best ROI on the resources spent improving your score, you should work with a professional website design and development company that has experience with technical SEO. Hint: Contact KodingWeb today to discuss your website’s Core Web Vitals score!

Why are Core Web Vitals so Important?

Your Core Web Vitals score is more than just an arbitrary number from Google. Understanding why Google prefers websites that put a focus on user-experience is a no-brainer. Since people prefer websites that load quickly and are easy to use, Google uses your Core Web Vitals score as part of its ranking algorithm. If you think your website is performing well, but your Core Web Vitals score is poor, you aren’t just missing out on potential conversions from the existing traffic on your site…you’re losing organic traffic directly to your competitors.

How do I check my Core Web Vitals score?

View your Core Web Vitals score in Search Console or read more about available Core Web Vitals tools at

When is the core web vitals update?

This update technically already happened as part of a major Google algorithm update in 2021, but per Google the metrics used will always evolve. This is a great example of why  working with an SEO agency can be so beneficial as they stay up-to-date with changing industry guidelines and trends on your behalf. Read the Publicly Available Web Vitals Change-log provided by Google.

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